A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ponyo: and my reaction to it.

Dear World,
This has been my pondering so far. Love is quite. Love is loud. It's an oxymoron that can't be solved in one hundred years. Ever. It's a sweet lullaby when a baby is sleeping. It's a fire engine when voices need to be heard. Love falls under too many categories. Ponyo has made me think these things. Because the director. writer. tells a simple story about how a little girl and boy have to love each other in order to save the world. It's a bit far fetched, but it puts love out in the most extremest way possible. Another aspect that was brought to my attention was that the animation was so pure and simple. It was as if a water colored painting came to life. I love that the animation is purposely easy to understand. I wish I was a little girl seeing this for the first time. I think it'd go above and beyond any disney princess movie.
Have a good night all.

The writer

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Meaning of Home

Dear World,
Hello there. How are you? It feels like a long time since I've said hi to you all. I've begun to really discover the meaning of home, and what makes a house a home. I know this might sound cliche but, a house it where you call a place of security. A place where you'll be accepted and happy at the same time. It doesn't matter if it's in a classroom, a little corner on a bed that's not yours or a place of your own. Home is just an idea. We all live places. Whether we like them or not is another story. So, world I challenge you. Go to the place you love the most and enjoy it's atmosphere. The feeling you get from it will create beautiful images in your head. I leave you with this, I like it alot.
"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest" Thomas Moore an Irish Poet

Ciao lovely people,

The writer