A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Love for MC Escher

Dear world,
I find myself posting to you twice on the same day to save some time here. I've found my MC Escher inspired piece!! Here it is in it's full glory. This was a 7 layered paper piece painted with acrylic on bristol. I don't have a name, but if I had to title it I'd called it "The elevator game" 
Here's a picture from MC Escher . It's titled "House of Stairs" 
So world, enjoy the rest of your day. 

The writer

Summer Coffee Cake

Dear World, 
I find myself musing alot lately. Even more now that school has finished for a good two months. First I am warming my brain up to go and finish revising my script for the "I've now lost count" time for Leaving Home. (My feature length screenplay) It's a comforting and weird feeling knowing that I live here now. I'm out of the prison/cruise ship I called my home for so many months. Alot of people I love and know are gone to enjoy their families and friends back home. Too many couples I know are leaving each other for the summer and coming back together in the fall. I know I'm one of those in that category. Change is good. I just hate the process of it. But after it's happened it makes you stronger. My idea of what home is has changed world. Have you been tossed in a land of what you thought was your home, but really isn't anymore ? I've discovered what my home is, and what it means to me. And how and who my family unit is. I think people need family. Even if their not related so to say to them. It's just the conscience decision to be there for that person, despite what's going on in life. People aren't permanent. Family units change, rise and fall. But, you'll always have your constant. And that's what I can hope for. To know I can see their face from time to time is always a joyous occasion. The idea of going home to me sounds foreign now. Savannah has become my new home. I'm not going back to what was once my family home til December. The idea of community is beautiful. So, my advice to you world is to embrace what you call your family and the surrounding area of your community. Get active and engage with the ones you love. Because you never know when they'll be gone.
 "Family isn't about who's blood you have. It's about who you care about" - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Good bye and good luck world, 
Until next time, 
The musing of a writer. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

birds and the simplicity of life

Dear world,
I'm at a great awe sometimes. Today is a special day. It is your average day, but not when it comes to relationships. Ninety days.
Is a long time to be with someone, at least for me. 24 hours times ninety is 2160 hours.
My boyfriend and I were strolling down the street today and I noticed the Oscar Myer Wiener van today in it's full flesh and beauty. I was so excited. I mean I've never seen this ever in my life until today. And I thought he was excited to see it too, but apparently there was something else that just barely caught his eye: It was a ....
that's right a bird. It must have been flying around because he was so fascinated by it.
It was the cutest thing. I feel like his inner child comes out when he starts staring at birds.
Hey world, do you have any simple pleasures you love? Like eating an ice cream cone? Or sitting in the park gazing at the sky? Enjoy your day world, because I know I am. And I'm constantly humbled by the simplicity of life.
"Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each and every day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event" - Oscar Wilde

The musings of a writer

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

As I sit here musing

Dear World,
This is the musings of a writer. I realize I haven't posted in a long while. I think this is what happens when you have work up to your nose. Things get moved out in priority. so my dear friends this is what's troubling me. I have to draw a self portrait of myself. I've gone through the phases of creativity. The " OH GOD WHAT WILL I DO" phase. Then came the "I HAVE AN IDEA!'. After the "THIS IDEA SUCKS." Back to the drawing board. NOW. I'M At the phase "OK GOT IT. LET'S STICK WITH THIS IDEA". I have a problem drawing myself. It's been with me since I was little. And there is this great photographer named, Mary Ellen Mark who I look to up with a passion. She believes everyone is more important to take pictures of then herself. I completely agree. That's why on my facebook, you wont find three hundred pictures of myself. There is barely 50 and I might be lying there. It's not that I don't find myself worth, but I know what I look like. Other people that I've never seen before, or even people I see on a daily basis are way more interesting. It's fun watching their mannerisms. It's a great way to get ideas for stories. But dear friends I've tricked myself into drawing my self portrait. It's quite good. My idea is to draw my clown character as my self portrait. Not your typical clown you see. It's a character clown. Like an improv character with a few personality traits, but it's apart of yourself. My costume is with no clown makeup either. These clowns just have a red nose. Which is all that's needed. It's about the character that makes the idea funny. And in the background it'll have vaudeville type signs and stuff in the background. I'm pretty excited about it. I have so much more to say, but for now this is all you get. Talk to you soon world. I love you all. And my quote I must leave you with one of my favorite artists. M. C. Escher: " At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important."

Soon, I'll put a picture of my M.C. Escher inspired painting design.
Good night and good luck world,
may the force be with you,
The writer -