A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear world,
Do you ever get so busy that you forget what day it is? Is that what college is like? I love pause moments to reflect on life and how it's running. A sad fact that I can't manage much writing when I have three intense classes going on at the same time. Now that those classes have disappeared, time for some good old writing. I feel like I have a pile of ideas and now is the time to write them all down.
Why is the act of separating from someone so difficult, yet once it happens everything can sorta go back to normal? I hate saying good bye even if it's for a little while. I should just tell them to enjoy the rest of their day. Or something. I think saying good bye has a bad connotation because it means that person is leaving your life. Even if that's not true it is. In a sense.
So, today. I forget about good byes and just focus on hellos. And when the next time I'll be seeing that someone whoever it might be again soon.

So I sign off knowing that saying good bye isn't what's important. It's how you felt afterward that matters.

Go find a baseball or something for me.

the musing of a writer