A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

As I sit here musing

Dear World,
This is the musings of a writer. I realize I haven't posted in a long while. I think this is what happens when you have work up to your nose. Things get moved out in priority. so my dear friends this is what's troubling me. I have to draw a self portrait of myself. I've gone through the phases of creativity. The " OH GOD WHAT WILL I DO" phase. Then came the "I HAVE AN IDEA!'. After the "THIS IDEA SUCKS." Back to the drawing board. NOW. I'M At the phase "OK GOT IT. LET'S STICK WITH THIS IDEA". I have a problem drawing myself. It's been with me since I was little. And there is this great photographer named, Mary Ellen Mark who I look to up with a passion. She believes everyone is more important to take pictures of then herself. I completely agree. That's why on my facebook, you wont find three hundred pictures of myself. There is barely 50 and I might be lying there. It's not that I don't find myself worth, but I know what I look like. Other people that I've never seen before, or even people I see on a daily basis are way more interesting. It's fun watching their mannerisms. It's a great way to get ideas for stories. But dear friends I've tricked myself into drawing my self portrait. It's quite good. My idea is to draw my clown character as my self portrait. Not your typical clown you see. It's a character clown. Like an improv character with a few personality traits, but it's apart of yourself. My costume is with no clown makeup either. These clowns just have a red nose. Which is all that's needed. It's about the character that makes the idea funny. And in the background it'll have vaudeville type signs and stuff in the background. I'm pretty excited about it. I have so much more to say, but for now this is all you get. Talk to you soon world. I love you all. And my quote I must leave you with one of my favorite artists. M. C. Escher: " At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important."

Soon, I'll put a picture of my M.C. Escher inspired painting design.
Good night and good luck world,
may the force be with you,
The writer -

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