A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dear World,
So I find myself in an ever constant state of action. Like a revolving window that's ever moving. I don't understand how fate works, but it seems to work for me. Have you ever gotten an interesting phone call from a friend you thought you'd never hear from again, ever? Yeah, me too. Happened today. It's as if I he knew I was thinking of him. Oh the pain he has caused me over the years. Somehow he wanted to catch up, but I wasn't so sweet like usual. I gave him a one to punch and left it at that. It'll probably be 10 years before I hear from him again, if he's alive. Oh, world why does this seem so strangely planned in this life I live? So I posted a few videos on YOUtUbE. Find me at Bound4India for the screen name. Speaking of things in motion. My car is in Missippi right now. How wonderful. It's coming to me!! Now, it's not alive. I promise. It has an operator. So you know midterms are ever looming in my direction. And I really want it to stop. The thought of studying kinda blows my mind. In a way I haven't been able fathom yet. I love action because it's not stagnat. Like how you get to meet someone in your particular field for a job, by accident. I like to joke and say that everything I need happens with careful planning from a creator that lives up above. Or, it's just an accident. What do you think? Is life planned, or a deliberate accident. I leave you my love and a quote from a proverb: There is no beauty but the beauty of action.

The Musings of a Writer

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