A wonderful Welcome

Thanks so much for stopping by my site! These are my musings. I hope you can relate or be inspired by little adventures while I'm not creating a story.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Fact that I'm blogging on the Internet

Dear World,
Hello out there. Congrats, you're reading my first real blog. Where not only I'm not talking in metaphor, but talking about life. Myspace has been an outlet for only so long, but then metaphoric poetry only lasts for so long. I suppose it's a phase we artists go through. Finding some way to find an outlet to the world. Well world you know will know a bit about me. I'm a writer and filmmaker. I know what you're thinking, please stop judging. Thanks. Now the school I go to lets me be more than my title. I don't believe in titles, it's just a job requirement. I find that when people don't say what age they are, what major they are or was you can truly get to know someone. Not categorize them on their major. UNLESS they are so like the major you are in that it's obvious and you can't help not to notice. It happens here. UNLESS I'm just weirdly pchyic in finding these things out. Segway: I've always wanted to be that guy who guesses peoples ages. Know why? Cause everytime I try to guess someones age I get it right. UNLESS it's an asian, or pacific islander. GOOD LUCK there. Beautiful wonderful people with amazin genes. That's all there is too it. So world. I like to post inspiring messages to you. If you think it's corny, then your just a pessimist. So my quote to you is: “The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” - Julia Cameron

1 comment:

  1. First of all thank for following me. I enjoyed reading this, especially the part about pessimists.

    From one artist to another, we need something a little more mature then pop culture, and i'm sure you agree. So if its alright you I'd like to extend the hand of friendship.

    Anyway, looking forward to some good posts.
