Dear world,
Do you ever get so busy that you forget what day it is? Is that what college is like? I love pause moments to reflect on life and how it's running. A sad fact that I can't manage much writing when I have three intense classes going on at the same time. Now that those classes have disappeared, time for some good old writing. I feel like I have a pile of ideas and now is the time to write them all down.
Why is the act of separating from someone so difficult, yet once it happens everything can sorta go back to normal? I hate saying good bye even if it's for a little while. I should just tell them to enjoy the rest of their day. Or something. I think saying good bye has a bad connotation because it means that person is leaving your life. Even if that's not true it is. In a sense.
So, today. I forget about good byes and just focus on hellos. And when the next time I'll be seeing that someone whoever it might be again soon.
So I sign off knowing that saying good bye isn't what's important. It's how you felt afterward that matters.
Go find a baseball or something for me.
the musing of a writer
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Starting over again
Dear World,
I don't believe I've hit a rut in my writing process. But, I've realized that I'm completely starting over a screenplay that I've rewritten a million times. The writing process is such a weird thing. It's as if to go forwards you have to take five steps backwards. It feels right though, for the script. I often am wondering if this is how writers really do it. They think they have this great idea, think it's polished and realize they have to start over because much is wrong with it. I know I feel like this. But it's sort of a liberating feeling to start over. I know the story I want to write and there will be some of the same pieces in it. But in essence the scenes will be new. There will be a more clearer theme and purpose to this script.
A professor once told me about the creative process. It starts off in the land of I have an idea, floats towards a period of distinct confusion and challenges, then there is this middle ground of potential, and after that there is usually a break through of the real idea. And then there is where the idea is flowing and nothing can stop you from creating it. For some reason I always have thought that this process was very quick. That I'd get to the top part of this diagram quick. That's it's easy to get to this heaven in so many words. It's taken me two years to get to this point. I still might have to go through this process again in this draft of the script. And once again, I feel as though the title I have for it will change. As if changing the title signifies a different period this story is going.
"I don't want to live. I want to love first, and live incidentally." Zelda Fitzgerald
I think Zelda has picked my mood for the night. This next draft is going to be solid. And I'm not afraid to work with a bunch of dirt to make it beautiful again.
The working writer
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
ponyo: and my reaction to it.
Dear World,
This has been my pondering so far. Love is quite. Love is loud. It's an oxymoron that can't be solved in one hundred years. Ever. It's a sweet lullaby when a baby is sleeping. It's a fire engine when voices need to be heard. Love falls under too many categories. Ponyo has made me think these things. Because the director. writer. tells a simple story about how a little girl and boy have to love each other in order to save the world. It's a bit far fetched, but it puts love out in the most extremest way possible. Another aspect that was brought to my attention was that the animation was so pure and simple. It was as if a water colored painting came to life. I love that the animation is purposely easy to understand. I wish I was a little girl seeing this for the first time. I think it'd go above and beyond any disney princess movie.
Have a good night all.
The writer
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
A Meaning of Home
Dear World,
Hello there. How are you? It feels like a long time since I've said hi to you all. I've begun to really discover the meaning of home, and what makes a house a home. I know this might sound cliche but, a house it where you call a place of security. A place where you'll be accepted and happy at the same time. It doesn't matter if it's in a classroom, a little corner on a bed that's not yours or a place of your own. Home is just an idea. We all live places. Whether we like them or not is another story. So, world I challenge you. Go to the place you love the most and enjoy it's atmosphere. The feeling you get from it will create beautiful images in your head. I leave you with this, I like it alot.
"The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest" Thomas Moore an Irish Poet
Ciao lovely people,
The writer
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Go on an Adventure
Dear World,
I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. So for the next five weeks I'm taking a really challenging class in half the time it usually takes. None the less it's a film class. I believe I'll be busy and I can get it done. But there is still apart of me some hesitation, because it's the unknown. The unknown is challenging, but it's the adventure. Last night I found out a film I made didn't really win anything. I realized that I can be happy on my own. And don't really need anything to try to cheer me up. Do you ever take out your anger or sadness out on someone else when you don't mean to? I've never done that until the other night. And it was stupid to do so. It doesn't accomplish anything, except waste time. Now as August approaches I'm getting really excited for September. Even though it's good to enjoy summer, it's nice to go back to familiarity. The sense of family, not being alone factor. That summer in Savannah has brought. Granted I've made many new and amazing friends, gotten experiences for down the road, but I still would've preferred to have my friends home. The life all SCAD students love: Family and acceptance filled with creativity and adventure. So, world I challenge you to take a new step in the direction of happiness and embrace your next new moment vividly without hesitation. I leave you with this:
-Helen Keller
Enjoy your night.
The musings of a writer
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Dear World,
I write to you as the clouds start to gray and the wind barely rustling. This summer has been incredibly creative and full of ideas. I feel as though I'm just a collector. Never staying too long on an idea. Maybe it's meant to be a gathering so I can pick out the best stuff for later. I won't know til I get there. But, what has recently happened was how info has been passed to me. The use of info given at the last minute possible. I don't understand it really. It's as if certain information only was told with huge hesitation. Now, this information was valuable and needed, but somehow I feel betrayed. I wish I could figure out why it needed to happen. To be in that mindset? Hmm. Desire is a strong emotion. Be careful what you do with it. I leave you with this: "A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs" - Mark Twain
Good bye now.
The writer
I write to you as the clouds start to gray and the wind barely rustling. This summer has been incredibly creative and full of ideas. I feel as though I'm just a collector. Never staying too long on an idea. Maybe it's meant to be a gathering so I can pick out the best stuff for later. I won't know til I get there. But, what has recently happened was how info has been passed to me. The use of info given at the last minute possible. I don't understand it really. It's as if certain information only was told with huge hesitation. Now, this information was valuable and needed, but somehow I feel betrayed. I wish I could figure out why it needed to happen. To be in that mindset? Hmm. Desire is a strong emotion. Be careful what you do with it. I leave you with this: "A human being has a natural desire to have more of a good thing than he needs" - Mark Twain
Good bye now.
The writer
Monday, June 29, 2009
Movies. and life as I know it
Dear World,
I find myself ever more pleased that what I can endure for art. Being an extra in a movie is a hard job. Although some parts are super easy, it's a long enduring day and at the end you could say "I was needed in some way. Even if it was a small one" Today I got to be in the new Miley Cyrus movie called "The Last Song". I mean I was getting paid to be a beach goer and stand and cheer in the stands. What's so difficult about that? 1) The heat 2)Filming over the sun with no shade.
But I loved every minute of it. To the crazy lady that needed to follow us, to being swept up in a sand storm on the beach and then getting poured rain on almost directly afterward. I loved for the first time in my life I could care less that I was actually in the movie. I wanted to be behind the scenes so much more. I could live that circus of a life. It's so fullfilling to me. Weird in itself, it's a really structured time schedule with so much creative freedom. I love the filming world and today just confirmed what I've been learning in school and what I've seen through films. The world of filming is magical and really it's just ordinary people doing EXTRAORDINARY things. And I'm not talking about the talent. I'm talking about the PA who rounds everyone up, to the 1AD placing people and wanting to create atmosphere. I felt like a film nerd because of all the beautiful equipment in the trucks and on set. I want to shoot films on those cameras one day. And so I leave you with this :
-Frank Copula
Good night and good luck faithful artists,
The writer
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The Ocean is a Wide open valley
Dear World,
I've had the pleasure to sit through hours of documentaries and films about the ocean and planet we live in this week. It's been fascinating. I've been volunteering at the Blue Ocean Film Festival. I do hope it returns next year. The art gallery I've been assigned to is called the Brian Skerry Photography exhibit.
Go to this website to check out the photos. They are fantastic. I've always loved the ocean and it's wonders when I was little.
It's in this week that my love for it has really come out. Seeing all the animals, being exposed to so many people who are passionate about
filmmaking and taking photographs of the wild life. I think real life is almost more exciting then making up stories.
That real life is just a little story that people document. It's a growing concern among these filmmakers that the ocean
is in trouble with temperatures rising. It's not just a silly pop culture thing. It' really happening and its fascinating
to see proof of it in these films. I've learned so much about the ocean in just two days, and have remembered from
paying attention in school to understand what's going on. What I love is seeing people who are so focused to get
their message out to the general public. Sylvia Earle is an amazing woman. And I can't wait to meet her in the next few days
She's one of the most well known Oceanographers of our time. What's so awesome is that she's pushed boundaries,
authored books and has taken hours of footage underwater. I respect her greatly. She's being honored with a lifetime
achievement award at Blue this week and I couldn't be happier for her.
So I leave you with this quote tonight world. Enjoy.
"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
—Louisa May Alcott
—Louisa May Alcott
Goodnight, love,
The writer
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Burning rubber
Dear world,
I've realized that this summer is a test of faith. I for one hate being tested, but I love a challenge. Leviticus 4: 8-10 describes the burning of fat off a cow. It might seem a little morbid, but it's an example of faith in it's core. The pure and holy item to be cleaned and ultimately sacrificed. I'm in the process of being stripped from everything I knew that was current. Every aspect in my life has changed. Learning to cope is a difficult process. I know world, why must you hear this? I'm sorry to be ranting. But if you are like me in any way today. I'm here to tell you. That. Life changes. People graduate, move away, get married, make art.
"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - Powell Davies
Good bye,
Love the writer
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My Love for MC Escher
Dear world,
I find myself posting to you twice on the same day to save some time here. I've found my MC Escher inspired piece!! Here it is in it's full glory. This was a 7 layered paper piece painted with acrylic on bristol. I don't have a name, but if I had to title it I'd called it "The elevator game"
Here's a picture from MC Escher . It's titled "House of Stairs" 

So world, enjoy the rest of your day.
The writer
Summer Coffee Cake
Dear World,
I find myself musing alot lately. Even more now that school has finished for a good two months. First I am warming my brain up to go and finish revising my script for the "I've now lost count" time for Leaving Home. (My feature length screenplay) It's a comforting and weird feeling knowing that I live here now. I'm out of the prison/cruise ship I called my home for so many months. Alot of people I love and know are gone to enjoy their families and friends back home. Too many couples I know are leaving each other for the summer and coming back together in the fall. I know I'm one of those in that category. Change is good. I just hate the process of it. But after it's happened it makes you stronger. My idea of what home is has changed world. Have you been tossed in a land of what you thought was your home, but really isn't anymore ? I've discovered what my home is, and what it means to me. And how and who my family unit is. I think people need family. Even if their not related so to say to them. It's just the conscience decision to be there for that person, despite what's going on in life. People aren't permanent. Family units change, rise and fall. But, you'll always have your constant. And that's what I can hope for. To know I can see their face from time to time is always a joyous occasion. The idea of going home to me sounds foreign now. Savannah has become my new home. I'm not going back to what was once my family home til December. The idea of community is beautiful. So, my advice to you world is to embrace what you call your family and the surrounding area of your community. Get active and engage with the ones you love. Because you never know when they'll be gone.
"Family isn't about who's blood you have. It's about who you care about" - Trey Parker and Matt Stone
Good bye and good luck world,
Until next time,
The musing of a writer.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
birds and the simplicity of life

Dear world,
I'm at a great awe sometimes. Today is a special day. It is your average day, but not when it comes to relationships. Ninety days.
Is a long time to be with someone, at least for me. 24 hours times ninety is 2160 hours.
My boyfriend and I were strolling down the street today and I noticed the Oscar Myer Wiener van today in it's full

that's right a bird. It must have been flying around because he was so fascinated by it.
It was the cutest thing. I feel like his inner child comes out when he starts staring at birds.
Hey world, do you have any simple pleasures you love? Like eating an ice cream cone? Or sitting in the park gazing at the sky? Enjoy your day world, because I know I am. And I'm constantly humbled by the simplicity of life.
"Most modern calendars mar the sweet simplicity of our lives by reminding us that each and every day that passes is the anniversary of some perfectly uninteresting event" - Oscar Wilde
The musings of a writer
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
As I sit here musing
Dear World,
This is the musings of a writer. I realize I haven't posted in a long while. I think this is what happens when you have work up to your nose. Things get moved out in priority. so my dear friends this is what's troubling me. I have to draw a self portrait of myself. I've gone through the phases of creativity. The " OH GOD WHAT WILL I DO" phase. Then came the "I HAVE AN IDEA!'. After the "THIS IDEA SUCKS." Back to the drawing board. NOW. I'M At the phase "OK GOT IT. LET'S STICK WITH THIS IDEA". I have a problem drawing myself. It's been with me since I was little. And there is this great photographer named, Mary Ellen Mark who I look to up with a passion. She believes everyone is more important to take pictures of then herself. I completely agree. That's why on my facebook, you wont find three hundred pictures of myself. There is barely 50 and I might be lying there. It's not that I don't find myself worth, but I know what I look like. Other people that I've never seen before, or even people I see on a daily basis are way more interesting. It's fun watching their mannerisms. It's a great way to get ideas for stories. But dear friends I've tricked myself into drawing my self portrait. It's quite good. My idea is to draw my clown character as my self portrait. Not your typical clown you see. It's a character clown. Like an improv character with a few personality traits, but it's apart of yourself. My costume is with no clown makeup either. These clowns just have a red nose. Which is all that's needed. It's about the character that makes the idea funny. And in the background it'll have vaudeville type signs and stuff in the background. I'm pretty excited about it. I have so much more to say, but for now this is all you get. Talk to you soon world. I love you all. And my quote I must leave you with one of my favorite artists. M. C. Escher: " At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important."
Soon, I'll put a picture of my M.C. Escher inspired painting design.
Good night and good luck world,
may the force be with you,
The writer -
This is the musings of a writer. I realize I haven't posted in a long while. I think this is what happens when you have work up to your nose. Things get moved out in priority. so my dear friends this is what's troubling me. I have to draw a self portrait of myself. I've gone through the phases of creativity. The " OH GOD WHAT WILL I DO" phase. Then came the "I HAVE AN IDEA!'. After the "THIS IDEA SUCKS." Back to the drawing board. NOW. I'M At the phase "OK GOT IT. LET'S STICK WITH THIS IDEA". I have a problem drawing myself. It's been with me since I was little. And there is this great photographer named, Mary Ellen Mark who I look to up with a passion. She believes everyone is more important to take pictures of then herself. I completely agree. That's why on my facebook, you wont find three hundred pictures of myself. There is barely 50 and I might be lying there. It's not that I don't find myself worth, but I know what I look like. Other people that I've never seen before, or even people I see on a daily basis are way more interesting. It's fun watching their mannerisms. It's a great way to get ideas for stories. But dear friends I've tricked myself into drawing my self portrait. It's quite good. My idea is to draw my clown character as my self portrait. Not your typical clown you see. It's a character clown. Like an improv character with a few personality traits, but it's apart of yourself. My costume is with no clown makeup either. These clowns just have a red nose. Which is all that's needed. It's about the character that makes the idea funny. And in the background it'll have vaudeville type signs and stuff in the background. I'm pretty excited about it. I have so much more to say, but for now this is all you get. Talk to you soon world. I love you all. And my quote I must leave you with one of my favorite artists. M. C. Escher: " At moments of great enthusiasm it seems to me that no one in the world has ever made something this beautiful and important."
Soon, I'll put a picture of my M.C. Escher inspired painting design.
Good night and good luck world,
may the force be with you,
The writer -
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
The misadventures of st. patty's day
Dear world,

Happy St. Patrick's day. It's been a long while since I've updated. But the way I see it, is that I only post when I feel inspired to. Today has been wonderful. I got to see the most creative people in their outfits. 

I found it entertaining to watch leaving my cult following coffee job. Everyone seemed to want to have coffee today. By the multitude. Strange. I never knew my cult coffee job was so popular. Oh, Savannah how I love thee.
On other news, I'm another year older. And my birthday was celebrated at the beach.
The birds also made it entertaining. Apparently they get violent and angry when fed. So don't feed the birds!! Is my helpful and inspiring words for you today world. Even if you see some pigeons, don't do it!!! They might just follow you around and start asking politely for food!!!
Well lots of love dear world.
The musings of a writer
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
stupid color. its my dictator
Dear World,
What I want to know from you today is: Who defines art? And Who makes up the rules? Why does it have to be a certain way to one persons vision. Isn't creating art interpretive? Why does it have to be exact, for a one persons point of view? In order to achieve an objective. Or that not learning specific concepts, now hinders this process of making a perfect image in the way of that particular dictator who wants what they see. Not what you intrepret as you see? World, I'm a bit annoyed at color you see. Because it's not the act or being of color, but what color I want to see, and how it's viewed to everyone else. We can't all just get along now can we ? There always has to be some sort of struggle? What the hell am I painting for a grade for? I should be working on more films. Which I have always have been doing.
Another thing, TIME>? And how do you spend it?! Do you ball it up all at once and then through it out on the page, or do you carefully plan it out like a date. And a party which is important? I guess I'd through the mixture of the two for me. But being attacked on how I spend my time isn't really that cool to me. So, world if you could make sure you don't try to understand people's lives by assuming their schedules and life purposes.
My inspirational and creative quote today is: “Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there's no particular virtue in doing things the way they always have been done”
Rudolf Flesch
Until we meet on another jolly afternoon. Good bye world.
The writer who muses
What I want to know from you today is: Who defines art? And Who makes up the rules? Why does it have to be a certain way to one persons vision. Isn't creating art interpretive? Why does it have to be exact, for a one persons point of view? In order to achieve an objective. Or that not learning specific concepts, now hinders this process of making a perfect image in the way of that particular dictator who wants what they see. Not what you intrepret as you see? World, I'm a bit annoyed at color you see. Because it's not the act or being of color, but what color I want to see, and how it's viewed to everyone else. We can't all just get along now can we ? There always has to be some sort of struggle? What the hell am I painting for a grade for? I should be working on more films. Which I have always have been doing.
Another thing, TIME>? And how do you spend it?! Do you ball it up all at once and then through it out on the page, or do you carefully plan it out like a date. And a party which is important? I guess I'd through the mixture of the two for me. But being attacked on how I spend my time isn't really that cool to me. So, world if you could make sure you don't try to understand people's lives by assuming their schedules and life purposes.
My inspirational and creative quote today is: “Creative thinking may mean simply the realization that there's no particular virtue in doing things the way they always have been done”
Rudolf Flesch
Until we meet on another jolly afternoon. Good bye world.
The writer who muses
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dear World,
Do you love football? Is one of your most favorite days of the year the Superbowl? Are you an art student that actually follows sports? I don't follow football at all. But I love baseball. Anyways.. Football to me has never truly made sense. I get the rooting for the home team and whatever. But, football always has reminded me of the ancient gladiaters in ROMA. When they would fight in the "Colloso" But despite that I still watch it because of the sense of tradition. Eating great food, spending time with the ones you love And seeing all the awesome commericals, and half time show. Superbowl Sunday is probably the only day I'll watch commercials. Because I hate commercials with a passion!!! So, tomorrow I'll go back to not caring about tv or commercials. Except when Heros comes on. Which is very soon! Well I'll leave you with this my dears. My life is like a zombie movie! I survive game after game after game, but the football just keeps coming! The only way to stop team sports is to aim for the head.
Matt Milby, Malfunction Junction, 11-21-06 KEep the peace today.
Matt Milby, Malfunction Junction, 11-21-06 KEep the peace today.
The Writer
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Dear World,
So I find myself in an ever constant state of action. Like a revolving window that's ever moving. I don't understand how fate works, but it seems to work for me. Have you ever gotten an interesting phone call from a friend you thought you'd never hear from again, ever? Yeah, me too. Happened today. It's as if I he knew I was thinking of him. Oh the pain he has caused me over the years. Somehow he wanted to catch up, but I wasn't so sweet like usual. I gave him a one to punch and left it at that. It'll probably be 10 years before I hear from him again, if he's alive. Oh, world why does this seem so strangely planned in this life I live? So I posted a few videos on YOUtUbE. Find me at Bound4India for the screen name. Speaking of things in motion. My car is in Missippi right now. How wonderful. It's coming to me!! Now, it's not alive. I promise. It has an operator. So you know midterms are ever looming in my direction. And I really want it to stop. The thought of studying kinda blows my mind. In a way I haven't been able fathom yet. I love action because it's not stagnat. Like how you get to meet someone in your particular field for a job, by accident. I like to joke and say that everything I need happens with careful planning from a creator that lives up above. Or, it's just an accident. What do you think? Is life planned, or a deliberate accident. I leave you my love and a quote from a proverb: There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
The Musings of a Writer
So I find myself in an ever constant state of action. Like a revolving window that's ever moving. I don't understand how fate works, but it seems to work for me. Have you ever gotten an interesting phone call from a friend you thought you'd never hear from again, ever? Yeah, me too. Happened today. It's as if I he knew I was thinking of him. Oh the pain he has caused me over the years. Somehow he wanted to catch up, but I wasn't so sweet like usual. I gave him a one to punch and left it at that. It'll probably be 10 years before I hear from him again, if he's alive. Oh, world why does this seem so strangely planned in this life I live? So I posted a few videos on YOUtUbE. Find me at Bound4India for the screen name. Speaking of things in motion. My car is in Missippi right now. How wonderful. It's coming to me!! Now, it's not alive. I promise. It has an operator. So you know midterms are ever looming in my direction. And I really want it to stop. The thought of studying kinda blows my mind. In a way I haven't been able fathom yet. I love action because it's not stagnat. Like how you get to meet someone in your particular field for a job, by accident. I like to joke and say that everything I need happens with careful planning from a creator that lives up above. Or, it's just an accident. What do you think? Is life planned, or a deliberate accident. I leave you my love and a quote from a proverb: There is no beauty but the beauty of action.
The Musings of a Writer
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Fact that I'm blogging on the Internet
Dear World,
Hello out there. Congrats, you're reading my first real blog. Where not only I'm not talking in metaphor, but talking about life. Myspace has been an outlet for only so long, but then metaphoric poetry only lasts for so long. I suppose it's a phase we artists go through. Finding some way to find an outlet to the world. Well world you know will know a bit about me. I'm a writer and filmmaker. I know what you're thinking, please stop judging. Thanks. Now the school I go to lets me be more than my title. I don't believe in titles, it's just a job requirement. I find that when people don't say what age they are, what major they are or was you can truly get to know someone. Not categorize them on their major. UNLESS they are so like the major you are in that it's obvious and you can't help not to notice. It happens here. UNLESS I'm just weirdly pchyic in finding these things out. Segway: I've always wanted to be that guy who guesses peoples ages. Know why? Cause everytime I try to guess someones age I get it right. UNLESS it's an asian, or pacific islander. GOOD LUCK there. Beautiful wonderful people with amazin genes. That's all there is too it. So world. I like to post inspiring messages to you. If you think it's corny, then your just a pessimist. So my quote to you is: “The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” - Julia Cameron
Hello out there. Congrats, you're reading my first real blog. Where not only I'm not talking in metaphor, but talking about life. Myspace has been an outlet for only so long, but then metaphoric poetry only lasts for so long. I suppose it's a phase we artists go through. Finding some way to find an outlet to the world. Well world you know will know a bit about me. I'm a writer and filmmaker. I know what you're thinking, please stop judging. Thanks. Now the school I go to lets me be more than my title. I don't believe in titles, it's just a job requirement. I find that when people don't say what age they are, what major they are or was you can truly get to know someone. Not categorize them on their major. UNLESS they are so like the major you are in that it's obvious and you can't help not to notice. It happens here. UNLESS I'm just weirdly pchyic in finding these things out. Segway: I've always wanted to be that guy who guesses peoples ages. Know why? Cause everytime I try to guess someones age I get it right. UNLESS it's an asian, or pacific islander. GOOD LUCK there. Beautiful wonderful people with amazin genes. That's all there is too it. So world. I like to post inspiring messages to you. If you think it's corny, then your just a pessimist. So my quote to you is: “The creative process is a process of surrender, not control.” - Julia Cameron
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